You are cordially invited . . .
Flazh!Alley Studio Presents
"LUSTER -- Deliberate Sensuality"
Reception: Saturday, Saturday 27, 2008 - 7-11PM
Flazh!Alley Studio
1113 S. Pacific Ave., Suite B
San Pedro, CA
Located at Pacific Ave. & 11th Street.
Park in the Ramona Bakery parking lot

You are cordially invited to attend a private champagne reception, on Saturday, September 27, 2008 from 7-11 PM, to meet artist, Davidd Batalon, and preview his series of narrative figure paintings, "LUSTER," Deliberate Sensuality" before its formal public receptions on October 2 & November 6, 2008.
Please RSVP By September 25, 2008
Los Angeles artist,
Davidd Batalon has a love for narratives. His spellbinding paintings reflect a strong desire to create worlds saturated with intrigue and mystery. With a style influenced by such artists as Paul Cadmus, George Tooker and Thomas Hart Benton, combined with an aesthetic akin to writer Ray Bradbury, Batalon forges his own genre of storytelling replete with elements taken from contemporary life and the mass media. Batalon's painting has evolved from a style reflecting tension and implied eroticism born of self censorship to a provocative, expansive style animated by the freedoms self awareness and self acceptance bring. As he states, "I've become more comfortable in my own skin."
Photographs by Lori Di Costanzo