I had the extreme pleasure of interviewing artist Don Bachardy yesterday at his home in the Santa Monica hills. The man is witty, captivating, and gifted. Being the husband of writer Christopher Isherwood [who died in 1986] at an early age, provided Don the opportunity to meet many notables. Some of the stories he told of Katharine Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock, Bette Davis, and Mary Astor will be included in my article for A&U magazine, which will be out in either May or June.
[With the pic above, I think I may have put Don to sleep with my interview!]

A must -see film

Photographer Jordan Ancel working his magic in Don's studio

Don said he was recently cleaning out his archives and found this painting
he did of Natasha Richardson about 20 years ago

Feeling small next to Don's exquiste portraits

This has been my third time to Don's home. The first time was in 1978 through an invite from Chris whom I met at a UCLA gay organization meeting. The second time was in 1994 to interview Don and his then-partner, Tim Hilton, for my gay role model book,