Thursday, March 4, 2010


Interviewed Spiritualist, Louise Hay, in her lovely home in San Diego located directly across from Balboa Park. In the mid-80s Louise stepped forward to help the AIDS community and held uplifting weekly meetings where close to a thousand were in attendance. With her gentle way she provided hope and inspiration to those who were stigmatized as outcasts. These meetings were eventually coined, Hay Rides.

Kelly and I with Louise

L to R: Jacqui, Shelly, Sean, Louise, Kelly, and me

Louise signing her iconic book, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE
Look for the article in an upcoming issue of A&U magazine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to meet Louise Hay - - everyone I know has her wonderful book "you can heal your life" - - we've all been referring to it for years...Love it! xo maggie