Friday, August 29, 2008


President and First Lady Obama is our new America.

What a masterpiece speech Barack gave tonight at the DNC in Denver. At different times, he brought a lump in my throat and chills down my spine. Summary: Tax cuts, higher salaries for teachers, affordable healthcare, protect social security, equal pay, remove troops out of Iraq, gay rights, gun control, and no foreign oil --- AMEN!

Barack advises individual and mutual responsibility and that we all walk together for change.
Yes We Can.

Obama brings to mind the soul and the fortitude of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. I am ecstatic to see in my lifetime an African American President.
Yes We Can.

Thank heaven, help is on the way!


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

It was indeed a great speech. Let's hope that Americans are ready for individual mutual responsibility..
Thanx for the visit!

Mr. C (a.k.a. Clarence) said...

Not that I needed any more confirmation that my support of Senator Obama was/is the right thing to do, but last night's speech wrapped it all up into a nice little package & put a pretty little bow on top.

Barack Obama is simply one man, of course, but he obviously knows that he carries the hopes of millions of his fellow citizens for something better than today on his shoulders. After last night, I know--more than ever--that he carries those hopes in his heart, too.

Barack Obama may be described by some as almost slight in his physical appearance, but his resolve--his "spirit" as you have referenced in your post--& his obvious determination to fighting the good fight is iron.

And they say hope is passé...

A. said...

Thanks for your message. Your blog is great too. Keep in touch.

Wilmaryad said...

I have watched the speech and it was really moving and eloquent, indeed.

Such eloquence and drastic change will, undoubtedly, bother more than one. I just don't want his presidency to come to an end a la JFK. :-(

Dann said...

I'm with you, Ben. JFK's murder is permanetly etched in my childhood memories and will remain a tragic scar forever.

the last noel said...

It is no longer, Yes, we can. It must be: Yes, we should!

Dann said...

Indeed, Noel. After listening to Ms. Palin's speech tonight at the RNC......We MUST! We MUST!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking out my blog as well, will have to keep coming back to see what you say on yours. I am so ready for a change in this country, I just wish more "born and raised right wingers" would get with the program and actually open up their minds to something that isn't the same old thing.

Dann said...

AMEN, Ernie!

Anonymous said...

Dann, did my fam tell you that I've been volunteering with the campaign here at Penn State? It's been a great experience, I've been working on it for the past month or so...I think Aunt Jan inspired us all, haha!

I LOVE Barack, and I'm so thrilled he's our candidate. That speech brought tears to my eyes. Palin rhymes with Stalin, and McSame is just bad news...YES WE CAN!!

Love you like crazy!

Anonymous said...

I know this won't be posted, but you and your ilk have my sympathy --- obama, the destroyer and devider has ruined the USA. And you fell for his bullshit hook, line and sinker. Sad, you can't fix stupid. See you in the soup line!